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Ecco tuti i dati che mi sono arrivati freschi freschi via e-mail:


International Theraphosid Meeting in Stuttgart - Kornwestheim


WHEN: Saturday 13th March 2004, Beginning: 10 a.m.

WHERE: Kulturhaus Kornwestheim, Jakob-Sigle-Platz 1, 70806 Kornwestheim,


INFO + TABLERESERVATION: From 1st February 2004 at Michael Lang, Tel.:

0049-7146-880546, 0049-7146-891529 or E-Mail:




After the Expo there will be a lecture which is FREE OF CHARGE:


Dr. Peter Jäger* curator of the Arachnological Section of the

Forschungsinstitut und Naturkundemuseum Senckenberg in Frankfurt a.M. [one of

the biggest arachnological collections in Europe!]:


"Riesenkrabbenspinnen: Aus dem Leben der schnellen Achtbeiner ­ Eine

Spinnenfamilie im Fokus der Forschung."

(= huntsmanspiders: From the life of these fast eight legged critters ­ a

spider family in the focus of research.)



WHEN: Saturday 13th March 2004, Beginning: 2:30 p.m.

WHERE: Kulturhaus Kornwestheim, Jakob-Sigle-Platz 1, 70806 Kornwestheim

INFO Volker von Wirth, oder




Fabio De Vita g51.gif

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